First are the bean plants. These appear to be doing pretty well. We discovered yesterday that we have a few beans growing, and they should be ready to harvest soon. Hopefully.
After the beans is the row of onions. What we didn't realize when we planted was that this row is right under the overhang, and when it rains it all drips right onto this row. Result: lots of weeds and tiny onions. Jeff just weeded this morning, and found a small handful of green onions. Here's the onion bed, and the only onions we've been able to find and harvest.
Next are the peas. The plants are doing well, and we have some flowers on them that should shortly become pea pods.
Here's our carrots and beets. They never ended up doing anything, and all that's left is two slightly raised beds enshrining the memory of what might have been. *moment of silence*
Next up are the tomatoes. We have six tomato plants. Five of them are scrawny and ugly, and not growing any tomatoes at all. Here's the one tomato plant that is producing anything - one green split little tomato.
The crowning jewel of our garden is the squash plant. We have high hopes for this baby. We've got a few little squashes growing, and one in particular is looking quite promising.
Here are my herbs. They all died.
Keep in mind that this is our first time growing our own garden. Neither of us have much experience with being responsible for our own garden. My family has had gardens growing up, but I was never really responsible for much more than weeding. We have a lot to learn. As it is, I think this year our garden was more for learning experience than anything else. Any vegetables we may happen to harvest are sort of an added bonus. In the meantime, we just try to shop smart and purchase the cheapest produce we can.
Thank you for the comment, Stephanie! I checked out the site and it looks like a lot of help. So if you see my blog pimped out, you know why. :)
And that summer squash is looking good! I have a garden of my own, and my squash plant doesn't look half as good.
Thanks again hun. ^_^
Thanks for posting it Stephanie, I should request topics more :)
Have been away for a while but wow you got busy posting here! The garden looks good and for a first attempt I think, even better.
We have herbs too and basil is the only one that seems to survive well on the window sill. I did attempt 3 tomatoe plants but they have been out there since April and have only grown 3 inches?? I have no idea why they're so shy. In any case, do keep growing more, you seem to have good light and soil for it. Moment of silence for the carrots and beets.
this was our first year trying, too, and you have way more to show for it than us, believe it or not! We have one lonely basil plant hanging in there and a bunch of dead plants and dry dirt... lol! But you're right, it's a learning experience. By the time we're 75 we're going to have rock-tastic gardens. :)
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