Our meal was very much like a regular Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey, ham, potatoes, gravy, fruit salad, and lots of other stuff. My contributions were a roll of cranberry butter, a jar of spiced cranberry sauce, some freezer crescent rolls (they thawed and rose beautifully, you just have to remember to keep them covered while they thaw and while they rise), and a simple chocolate cream pie.
The delicious turkey (sorry for the bad picture, Dad was still carving the ham and wouldn't let me get too close, lest I try to sneak a piece).

My beautiful, gem-like cranberry sauce.

The crescent rolls.

My yummy chocolate pie.

I also have posted a recipe for wheat salad, a delicious salad made with whole wheat berries. I plan on using that idea in a number of other salads, once we've settled in. I think you could use cooked whole wheat berries in place of noodles in a pasta salad with fantastic results! I really couldn't get enough of this salad.

Our dessert was a trio of pies provided by my sisters and I. We're kinda funny, we all decided to start slicing the pies all at the same time, providing these fun pictures.

You may notice that my sister who brought the pecan pie (left) is getting nowhere with her pie - it was kind of hard and she was having a hard time getting the knife to slice through, hence the funny faces! She was finally able to slice her pie with a big pizza slicer. :-) All three pies turned out absolutely delicious.
Anyway, sorry this isn't the big, wonderful post I promised, but I have to get back to packing and cleaning. Don't expect much in the way of posts for the next while, we're packing the computer tomorrow. I'll miss blogging and I will get back to posting regularly as soon as I can! Yesterday was my birthday and I'll post about my cake when I'm able to.
Wish us luck!
Hey! In my defense.... my oven is stupid! ;-) And, it's going to take a couple weeks to get your pie off my hips!
I wanted a bigger piece but Dad ate the last one.... sniff.
Happy belated birthday!
Good luck in your move. SLC is beautiful this time of year!!
Good luck with your moving. I hope all goes well. We'll be here waiting!
All the food looks amazing, especially the rolls! Good luck with the packing and moving!
You totally made me crave Thanksgiving!!! Good luck on the move! thanks for tagging me--I'm sorry that I haven't done it yet. It's been one of those crazy weeks. So hopefully by the time you have a computer up and running, I'll have done it :-).
Happy Birthday! Good luck with the move.... it's my least favorite thing to do.
I LOVE pecan pie... yummy.
Ok, I am really hungry now. Everything looked so yummy!
What fun! Oh, and I hope my pecan pie doesn't cut like your sisters! ;)
Good luck with the move!
Looks fantastic! Looks like we'll both be moving. Great post, I love the family pics!
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