Here it is, the much awaited surprise banana dish! Took me long enough, I know. But this was worth waiting for, in my opinion!
I found this fantastic recipe on What's Cooking? This gelato was easy to make and didn't require any ingredients that I didn't already have. And it tastes wonderful!
Peanut Butter and Banana Gelato
1 can evaporated milk
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/3 cup cornstarch
2 ripe bananas
1/3 cup peanut butter
a few drops of lime juice (I was going to substitute lemon juice because I don't have lime. But I forgot. It turned out good anyway)
Mix 1/2 can evaporated and corn starch together until the starch is dissolved and the mixture smooth.
In a medium size saucepan heat the rest of the evaporated milk and condensed milk.
Smash the bananas and add them to the saucepan along with the peanut butter. Whisk constantly until all the ingredients are mixed together.
When the mixture starts to boil stir in the cornstarch and whisk stir constantly for about 3 minutes. Don’t let the mixture thicken (confession - it was hard not to let it thicken! So I settled for not letting it thicken very much. I cooked it less than 3 minutes).
Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
Freeze following ice cream maker instructions (I don't have an ice cream maker. If you have one, definitely use it. If not, just freeze this in a large flat container and break it up in the food processor or with a spoon before serving).
This definitely had a strong peanut butter flavor, which made it harder to taste the banana. But we like peanut butter, so none of us minded at all. The cornstarch in this recipe (used instead of eggs) gave this a very silky texture, and we didn't have to worry about food safety like you do with uncooked eggs (not that that ever stops us...). I liked making this, and it will stay on my list of dishes to consider whenever we have brown bananas.