Saturday, April 11, 2009

Excused Absence

It's not like me to not post in over a week. I usually do something new every few days - I'm really big on trying new things and remembering old favorites, and sharing everything we eat with the blogging community.

But it's really hard to do when morning sickness makes me want to eat nothing but macaroni and cheese, boiled or fried eggs, and breath mints. And makes me turn my nose up at my perennial favorites like cakes, cookies, pies, brownies, and other baked goods.

Yes, dear readers - I'm pregnant! I'm about six weeks along, and struggling with morning sickness and fatigue, the combination of which has been keeping me out of the kitchen. Jeff takes care of most of the meals now, and even if we do eat something blog-worthy, I don't have the energy to take pictures and post it! Kind of frustrating, but I know eventually I'll regain my energy and desire to cook. Until then, here's a few favorites that we have actually prepared and eaten in the past few days. They are easy and delicious, and actually palatable to my pregnant taste.

Hot tuna salad - we've made this several times since I posted it, and I love it more every time! This was our dinner tonight.

Egg drop soup - super simple, delicious, and easy on the stomach.

Garden saute with pasta - using canned tomatoes and cheap Mexican squash, this was a very easy dish to prepare.

Homemade salsa - the local Hispanic market had cilantro on sale, so we added some to the salsa and it was so fantastic! Cilantro really makes a salsa that much more special. I was craving chips and salsa and this totally hit the spot.

I don't know when I'll be up for posting regularly again. I do have a universal quiche recipe that we made a while ago and I already took pictures and everything. Maybe I'll muster up some energy and post that in the next little while. Until then, check out the recipes, they're some of my personal favorites (especially that hot tuna salad - it's awesome!).


  1. Congratulations! What exciting news. Hope the morning sickness ends soon!

  2. Congratulations and hope you begin to feel better soon!

  3. Oh Steph!! Congratulations HONEY!! I am so happy for you!!!! Morning sickness is awful!!! Take it easy and just do what you have to do!!!! Feel better soon!!!


  4. Congradulations!! I couldn't eat meat for the first 3 months each time I was pregnant. The hot tuna sandwiches are something my Mom used to make us in the 60's...

  5. Congratulations! I remember when morning sickness would make me retch over the smell of everything. I hope it passes for you soon!

  6. How wonderful :) Congratulations again. A dear friend is pregnant too at the mo. and she says eating dry/fresh dates has calmed her excessive morning sickness. I hope you feel better soon.

    That tuna melt with your bread recipe looks tempting.

  7. Congratulations! I hope you are over your morning sickness soon.

  8. Congrats Stephanie! I'm hope you will start to feel better soon!

  9. Congratulations on the pregnancy!!!! Hope it all goes well for you!! Don't worry about posting, we'll be here when you start to feel better!! :O)

  10. Congratulations! Go eat some mac & cheese and REST!!! Sounds like hubby is taking good care of you! ♥

  11. Congrats! Hope the morning sickness passes quickly.

  12. CONGRATULATIONS! Feel better. :)

  13. Congrats on the little Bun in your oven..... See... you were cooking all along :)


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