Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chili Man!

Most of our meals lately are very simple. Case in point: lunch today was canned chili and green beans. But sometimes we like to make things a bit more fun for the kids. Plus, Zaylee sometimes balks at eating chili. Enter Chili Man!

His head is chili, with shredded cheese hair, mayonnaise face, and green bean body. Zaylee ate her whole serving and smiled the whole time. And I'll let you in on a little secret - this plate isn't Zaylee's. Jeff thought it was so cute that he did this to his own plate! Silly hubby. :-)


  1. this is so cute! my kids might eat chili too if I presented it like this! You have some great ideas!!

  2. LOL! That looks so funny! I'm not surprised Zaylee smiled the whole time.

  3. Ahhh! This is fantastic! Great idea. How does the mayo taste with it? So cute... good job!

  4. I think it tastes pretty good with mayo. When I was growing up, my parents didn't always have money to spend on "extra" stuff like sour cream, so when we wanted to cool off our chili we would add mayonnaise instead. So it's a taste I grew up with and I'm pretty fond of it.

    We also used to spread mayo on tomato wedges. Man, we loved those!

  5. I tried it! You're right about the mayo - it gives it a nice tangy flavor. I will try it with tomato wedges.... I have 4 tomatoes in the fridge right now that I need to do something with. :) Thank you - your blog is lovely! I keep trying new things and I am saving a lot of money. Fantastic in every way!

  6. What a great idea! We tell our son he's eating dinosaur poop sometimes and he thinks that is cool. Ha ha...

  7. The chili man is hilarious! Love it. Have you ever tried Cincinnati chili? You guys may love this!


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