Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm on a Layered Salad Kick

Lately I've been enjoying salads. Not just plain lettuce-and-tomatoes salads, but funner salads that are layered together in a bowl (how I wish I had a clear glass trifle bowl, these salads would be so much prettier) with the sauce spread on top and all the ingredients fresh and crisp. Delicious!

I didn't take pictures of this, but it was so tasty I thought I'd post it anyway so I remember for future reference. Today's lunch salad was sort of a taco salad, but using leftover turkey meat. We bought and roasted a turkey this week because it was on sale for really cheap. We're keeping a tally of how many meals we get out of the entire bird, and are already up to three, with plenty of meat and broth left. We definitely know how to stretch our meat around here!

Anyway, back to the salad. First I prepared a simple guacamole (avocados were on sale for 50 cents each this week) by smashing up two avocados with some lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder, and salsa. This is my favorite way to make guacamole, and it turns out delicious every time! Then I set that aside to work on the rest of the salad. I layered these ingredients in this order:

Torn leaf lettuce
Chopped tomato
Chopped turkey
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Crushed tortilla chips

It was extremely simple (very important during early pregnancy) and very delicious. Next time I make a salad like this I'll try to remember to snap a picture. Just take my word that this was a pretty salad with lots of bright colors and wonderful flavors!


  1. that sounds really good and perfect for a mid afternoon snack or meal! Yummy!
    Hope you are feeling better and not so morning sick anymore!

  2. That sounds great!
    My hubby could always tell when I was pregnant, before I even knew.
    I was eating salad like a crazy person!! lol


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