Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Old-Fashioned Pudding

I participate in a photo challenge blog, where we're given a challenge a couple times per week and have to post a picture that demonstrates what that challenge means to us. This weekend the challenge was "Vintage." And one of the first things to pop into my mind was vintage recipes - which I totally love! I decided that instead of taking a picture of a vintage doll, or vehicle, or other item, I would cook up a vintage recipe and take pictures of that.

Currently, my favorite source for vintage recipes is The Economy Cookbook, published in 1910. I've posted about it before, having made the Woodford Pudding and the Cottage Pudding. This time I decided to try one called Sunderland Pudding - it was by far the simplest pudding recipe in the entire book. Here's the original recipe:

Sunderland Pudding

Two eggs, well beaten, 1 scant cup flour, 1 cup sweet
milk, salt, beat well together; bake in a drip pan 1/2 hour.
Serve with cream, sugar and nutmeg.

Only a small handful of ingredients, incredibly simple directions - both made this a very desirable recipe since I still don't have much energy lately. So I quickly mixed up the ingredients, baked it in an 8x8-inch square pan at 350 for 30 minutes, topped it liberally with cream (which we happened to have because it was on sale), sugar, and nutmeg, and took lots of pictures.

Here's the picture I used for the photo challenge:

And the original, before I made it look all old and vintage-y:

The pudding ended up similar in texture to Dutch Babies or German Pancakes - which I guess isn't surprising since it is comprised of the same basic ingredients. It puffed up in the pan when it baked, then sank back down with the top beautifully cracked when I took it out of the oven.

All in all, it was a fun way to complete the photo challenge, and get a dessert out of it at the same time!


  1. That looks great! I love vintage recipes! Thanks!

  2. that sounds lovely. and the photo challenge blog sounds really interesting. how did you find it?

  3. My cousin started the photo challenge blog earlier this year. For anyone interested, the url is:

    A challenge is given twice a week, and members have until midnight the next day to submit their photo. It's fun and keeps us working at improving our photography skills.

  4. Wow Stephanie this sounds great thanks for sharing.

  5. Vintage recipes are my favorite.

    Lovely blog and tasty recipes.

  6. That looks tempting and I think the Sepia effect works nicely - good idea!

  7. There is something about old recipes that makes them special. They are history. Your pudding looks delic.

  8. It was great to find your notes and recipe while I read Anita Shreve's "Fortune's Rocks" and wanted to find one for "Sunderland Pudding." Thank you! (. . . and a book you might love if you haven't read it already per your profile).


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