Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mini Pizzas :-)

Cheap food doesn't have to be boring. Yes, we eat lots of beans and rice here, but we also throw in some fun and cheerful foods for variety. Case in point: these cute little individual pizzas.

I used this recipe to make the crust, then formed about five individual crusts. That's how many fit on my pizza stone. I made them simple and super cheap by using canned tomatoes for sauce, seasoned with Italian seasoning, garlic powder, and onion powder, and topped them with a little cheese. The kids and I just loved getting to enjoy this little treat!

After I made the five individual pizzas, I used the rest of the dough to make a rustic round loaf, dusted with flour and corn meal.

Both the pizzas and the bread baked at 425 for about 15 minutes.


  1. This looks yummy AND easy! My kind of meal!!

  2. yumm!
    gunna try this!
    we usually make mini pizzas with english muffins, diced tomatoes & cheese! sooo good=)

  3. Pizza anything and I am HOOKED! I love your recipes because they are so doable and not full of ingredients I cannot pronounce or I have to run out and buy!!!

    That is why I am always checking in!!!
    Your The best, and I love your Blog!

  4. We love homemade pizza also. My daughter has requested it for her 18th birthday tomorrow...along with homemade quiche and homemade biscuits and homemade strawberry shortcake. She's definitely a foodie!

    Your pizza looks great. I bet your kids love it!

  5. Hi Steph, I think you make the most Creative, Fun, Delish food, I left you something on my Blog!!!



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