Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vanilla Cream Pie

Sorry I haven't posted for so long - has it really been a whole week? My family came to visit this weekend and I was busy enjoying my time with them. But it's back in the food saddle!

Jeff made this simple and delicious pie yesterday, and we've been enjoying it ever since. It's a basic pie that lends itself well to a variety of variations. Hmm, was that redundant - variety of variations...

Vanilla Cream Pie
2/3 cup sugar
Dash salt
1 1/2 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tbsp. flour
3 cups milk
3 egg yolks, beaten
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. butter

Mix sugar, salt, cornstarch, and flour in a saucepan. Gradually add in milk. Cook over moderate heat stirring constantly until mixture thickens and boils. Boil 1 minute. Remove from heat.

Slowly stir half the mixture into the beaten egg yolks. Blend egg yolk mixture into hot mixture in saucepan. Boil 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.

Blend in vanilla and butter.

Cool and pour into cooled baked pie shell. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent skin from forming. Chill thoroughly (about 2 hours) before serving.

1. Top with whipped topping.
2. Top with meringue.
3. Sprinkle with shaved nuts, coconut, fresh berries, or fruit (I topped with canned peaches).
4. Arrange a layer of sliced bananas in pastry shell before pouring in cooled filling.
5. Fold in 3/4 cup moist shredded coconut.
6. You decide! The sky's the limit!

The creamy filling is delicious with or without adding any of the optional variations. Man, I love pie!


  1. I just came across your blog the other day, and really enjoy it! I am SO making this for the company we're having tomorrow night. I just bought some fresh strawberries and peaches at the store...I can't decide which one to use! I'll let you know how it goes. :o)

  2. this look so good!!!! i love the addition of the peaches, they are my favorite fruit and this is seriously making my mouth water!!!!

  3. Everything you makes looks delicious Steph. I love peaches and this looks like another winner!
    I left you a message on the previous post!

  4. sounds yummy and love the ideas for variations.

  5. Umm stephanie that looks good. I love the peaches on top.

  6. This sounds SO delicious! I bet my husband would LOVE it!

  7. I really enjoy your Blog!! I also came across your Blog a few weeks ago as well.

    I love taking basic staple ingredients and making yummy things to eat out of them.

    I can't wait to try out this pie looks like the possibilities could be endless with the toppings and things that you could add into this.

    Thanks for sharing and for inspiring us!

  8. This looks really good Stephanie! I have been thinking about making a banana cream pie, yummmy. I love homemade vanilla pudding.

  9. I love this! I think it would be great with some glazed strawberries or raspberries, or even a nice strawberry and rhubarb jam. YUM!


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