Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Roasted Potato Wedges with Alabama White Barbecue Sauce - Sweet Hallelujah, This Stuff is Good!!

Christy from Southern Plate posted a recipe for Alabama White Barbecue Sauce way back in October. It looked delicious to me, but I never did make up my mind to actually try and make it. Sometimes I'm like that - I'll fall in love with a recipe and want to try it, but it gets pushed to the back of my mind and just doesn't end up happening. Well, this evening I decided that I would try it! I made some roasted potato wedges for dinner with the express purpose of serving them with the white barbecue sauce.

And Oh Lawdy, my life will never be the same.

Alabama White Barbecue Sauce
2 C Mayonnaise
1 1/2 T salt
2 T black pepper
6 T white vinegar
6 T lemon juice
4 T white sugar

Mix all ingredients together and stir well. I did 1/4 this recipe because it was just me and the kids tonight.

What did I think of this sauce? Well, I'll just copy and paste my comment on Christy's post:

"So I finally got around to trying this sauce. And let me tell you, I CAN’T BELIEVE I WAITED THIS LONG TO TRY IT!!! This stuff is incredible! It’s vinegary, it’s lemony, it’s peppery, it’s mayo-y, it’s deliciously flavorful, it’s indescribable! I made it to go with some roast potato wedges (which are actually still in the oven right now!) and tasted a bit on my finger. Then I went crazy looking for things around the kitchen that I could dip in it because I suddenly couldn’t wait until the potatoes were done. I dipped popcorn and saltines and they were great! Then I dipped my fingers some more. ;-)

And all this was before realizing that I had forgotten the sugar. I added it, and wouldn’t you know it was even better than before!

Yeah, long story short, you have made an Alabama White Barbecue Sauce lover out of this Idaho/Utah gal."

And a short while later I wrote:

"Mmmmm… I’m eating it with the potato wedges now… I’m in heaven…"

So yes, the Alabama White Barbecue Sauce was a total success. Despite (or perhaps because of) its distinct and powerful flavor, both Zaylee and Thomas loved the sauce. Zaylee even kept asking for it "I need more white!" It was cute. They ate their potatoes with the sauce and some ketchup as well. I kept mine purely unadulterated - just the potatoes and the perfection, er, I mean, white sauce.

Oh yeah, the potatoes. Really easy - I cut up three potatoes into large wedge-like chunks. Then I tossed them with oil, and a bit of salt and pepper, and put them in an 8-inch baking pan. Baked at 425 for 30 minutes, turning with spatula after the first 20. Super easy and uncomplicated. After all, I only made them to complement the white barbecue sauce. :-)


  1. How could one NOT try it with an endorsement like that? That sounds incredible!

  2. I'm sold! I just marked it as a "must make." I hope I don't forget!!! Post more on what else you find to dip into it!

  3. Mmmmmm, I poured some of this peppery vinegary goodness on my fried egg this morning. It's especially good when the sauce mixes with the gooey yolk. Ya'll, I love this stuff!

  4. I'm living in Alabama, not a native though, and I haven't heard of this. It sounds amazing! I'm definitely going to try it. Can you baste your grilled food with it while grilling or is it more of a condiment sauce?

  5. I'm not sure. I think you could do it either way - I've only used it thus far as a condiment.

    The sauce is a very regional thing - pretty much found only in Northern Alabama. Quoted from Southern Plate: "This is truly a regional thing, but also a regional requirement. EVERY BBQ restaurant in North Alabama features white bbq sauce on their menu, their meats, and their tables and North Alabamians eat it with everything from french fries to bread to chicken and ribs."

    If you try it with grilling, let me know how it does!

  6. I made a 1/2 recipe with miracle whip. It was a little too acidic for my taste (probably the MW). This is definately one I will make a again with lower acid measurements though. Thanks for sharing! I bet if I had real mayo it would be wonderful!

  7. Please move back here. My kids can bunk up together, you can have one of the bedrooms.... And you can cook for me. Please???

    (Okay, I had to take a shot...)

    Looks totally yummy to me right now! Now, if only I had enough energy to make it...

  8. I must be living in the wrong part of Alabama because I've never heard of it. I hope I have mayo in the fridge so I can make this tomorrow. It sounds delish!

  9. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the white barbecue sauce! I never thought of using it with potatoes. Inspired! :-)

  10. Thought you'd like to know that Mark Bittman's food column in the NYT recently featured white barbecue sauce, their recipe looks v. similar to yours! (Theirs also has a bit of horseradish, which I would think would be delicious.) Link here:

  11. Oh. My. Word! I haven't actually had this with the ribs I'm grilling yet, but just out of the bowl it is yummy!

    I felt like doing some dry rub barbequed ribs tonight, so I'm doing a sweet and spicy rub. I thought this white sauce would go perfect with it, I'm sure I'll be right. I know you posted this months ago, but I'm finally making it..... And like you I am going "Why did I wait so darn long!"

  12. I found your site on a random search for ideas on bbq potatoes. I am going to try this sauce, it sounds really good. My great-grandmother used a similar sauce for lettuce salad. (eliminate the lemon juice and besides the rest of the ingredients you list, she also added cream or milk to the consistency of salad dressing. She also sometimes substitued vinegar with pickle juice. Her forebears were from the Ozarks) By the way, I'm from Alberta, Canada.


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