Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An Award to Pass On

Shelby, aka Honeybunch or HoneyB, has given me an award! I'm a little late posting this, as she gave me this way back last Tuesday, but better late than never. :-)

I love visiting Shelby's blog, The Life and Loves of Grumpy's Honeybunch, for a couple reasons. First, because that's just such a fun title! And second, because of her delicious recipes and photos! Go check out her blog, she posts so many wonderful looking baked goods and other recipes. And I love the beautiful pie in her header!

I'm passing this award on to Nicole's Baking Bites. I could spend hours perusing her recipe archives (okay, so I've already done that a couple times) - everything looks so delicious! Here are some examples of her awesome recipes: Chocolate Pumpkin Pie, Peanut Butter Crumble Cake, Beef and Cheese Empanadas, and No-Bake Vanilla Cheesecake with Thin Mint Crust. She also has recipes for homemade girl scout cookies - how cool is that?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie! A great blog to pass the award onto! Thanks for the kind words!


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