Monday, May 3, 2010

Buttercream Syrup

Here's another delicious and unique pancake syrup. We've been having cranberry syrup almost every time we have pancakes, ever since Jeff came up with it. I still love it, but I was starting to get cranberry-ed out. Time to try something new!

I came across this recipe for Buttercream Syrup a while back, and thought that it looked absolutely delicious. After all, a recipe with nothing but butter, sugar, evaporated milk, and a bit of vanilla has to be good, right? So when Jeff made chocolate chip pancakes this morning, I knew it was the perfect time to try it out.

I admit that my pictures of this are not nearly as lovely as the pictures on Jamie's post with the original recipe. But I was in a hurry to get the picture-taking over with, and dig in!

Buttercream Syrup
1 stick butter (1/2 C)
1 cup sugar
1/2-3/4 can evaporated milk (can be substituted with buttermilk for a different, yet yummy taste)
1 tsp vanilla

Melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Add the sugar slowly and stirring until it is creamy and thick.

Add the milk a little at a time while stirring. Add the vanilla and let it simmer for about 5-10 minutes while it thickens further.

Rich? Check. Buttery? Check. Delicious? Check. Diet? .... Not so much. :-)


  1. I wouldn't mind some of this non diet food! Your pancakes look yummy!

  2. Ha! I was just wondering today what I was going to do with the buttermilk I just bought. Now I know! Thanks!

  3. I love making different makes pancakes so special and fun!

  4. See, and I just ran out of maple syrup. From the store... gasp! (I know.... I know...) And I wanted french toast this morning too. Pity my sad little smoothie has filled me up, but maybe I shall make some of this and stick it in the fridge for tomorrow? Providing I can get the onion smell out of the fridge....

  5. I love pancakes! I bet ths syrup is awesome!

  6. As much as I enjoy maple syrup, it's so nice to have something different. This looks delicious! I generally have buttermilk in the fridge, so will have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Looks great! Who cares if it's on the diet!

  8. This sounds lovely and you don't give yourself enough credit for the picture. This is my first visit to your blog. I had planned only to say hello, but started reading your earlier posts and stayed far longer than I intended. I really like your blog and will be back as often as I can. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary


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