Monday, August 31, 2009

Salsa Verde

Tomatillos were on sale really cheap a while back, so we picked up a whole bunch of them and decided to make green salsa, or salsa verde. We started with a fairly basic recipe from, adjusting it based on how many tomatillos we had and adding/subtracting a few things. The resulting salsa tasted so fresh and tangy - we really liked it a lot! We didn't have any jalapenos or anything, so substituted hot pepper sauce. But a jalapeno or two would have been a really awesome addition.

Salsa Verde
3 lbs. tomatillos, husked
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, peeled
1 tbsp. parsley
1 tsp. hot pepper sauce (adjust according to how spicy you want it, or use jalapenos)
Salt to taste

Combine all ingredients in food processor (we had to do two batches, we had a lot of tomatillos!). Using the pulse setting, coarsely chop. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until serving.

This salsa is delicious served plain with tortilla chips, or used on anything you would use regular salsa for. I made some simple fajitas and we topped them with the salsa verde. It was so good!


  1. yum! would you recommend this for canning?

  2. I don't know. We talked about it, but decided that it would be better to find a salsa verde recipe that calls for cooking the salsa - this is a fresh salsa so I think canning it would change the texture and flavor.

  3. I need to pick up tomatillos next time I am at the farmer's market.This sounds like a perfect way to use them!

  4. You are so lucky to find the tomatillos in your market. This is a great salsa that really helps amp up your burritos, tacos, chicken, nachos and makes them extra special!

  5. I love salsa verde! The tang is so yummy.... Finally you make something that isn't sweet. ;-)

  6. Where on earth did I hide my stash of tortilla chips!? This looks dee-lish!

  7. Oh wow, such a pretty green salsa!!! I wish I had a jar of it onhand right now! :)

  8. I have a pasta recipe for tomatillos but I never knew what else to do with them. I can't wait to try this recipe - thanks!!

  9. looks beautiful! It's been a long time since I cooked with tomatillos. I will have to try this. Thanks!


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