Monday, March 2, 2009

Apple Crumble Pie with Whole Wheat Crust

I made a quiche the other night that turned out pretty good (I didn't take pictures, so I'll have to make another one later to post some other time). The unique thing about this particular quiche was the crust - I used whole wheat flour and oil. It was delicious with the quiche, but we thought that perhaps the whole wheat crust would be absolutely fantastic with something like an apple pie - the spices and apple flavor from the filling would be wonderfully enhanced by the strong nutty flavor of the wheat. And since it's a pat-in-the-pan type of pastry, we decided to have a crumb topping on the pie instead of making it double crusted.

Here's the resulting delicious recipe!

Apple Crumble Pie with Whole Wheat Crust
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup cooking oil
3/4 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. cold water or milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp. flour
6 cups thinly sliced, peeled cooking apples
3 tbsp. lemon juice
Crumb Topping:
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 cup butter or margarine

To make crust: Dump flour in an ungreased pie plate. Add the oil, salt, and sugar, and stir well. Pour in the water or milk, and mix with a fork into a stiff dough. Press into shape in the pie plate. Set aside (or if you need a baked crust for an unbaked pie: bake at 350 for 10 to 12 minutes).

In a mixing bowl stir together 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tbsp. flour; set aside. Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice. Toss apples with sugar mixture to coat. Turn apples into pastry-lined pie plate.

Combine the crumb topping dry ingredients. Cut in the butter or margarine till crumbly; sprinkle atop the apple slices.

Bake pie at 375 for 1 hour or till topping is golden. Serve pie warm with vanilla ice cream!


  1. I've been wanting to try a pat in the pan crust since regular crusts never work for me :)

  2. Hi Steph,
    This looks like something my Hubby would LOVE! HE is the apple pie lover in the family! I love to use whole wheat when I bake.
    I might just give this a whirl!
    Oh, I got a digital Camera!!!! I have entered the NOT so new millenium!!!! Now I can take pictures of my creations too!!!

  3. This looks delish! I am trying to convert over to using WW flour, this is the perfect recipe to get me started! Thanks!

  4. Hi Stephanie,

    I really enjoy your blog.

    Just wondering what the texture of that whole wheat crust is like? Is it crumbly like the crumb topping or does it hold together well? The pie looks amazing!

  5. Vicky - the crust is not crumbly like the topping, but it's not really flaky like a regular pastry crust. It does hold its shape really well. It's kind of hard compared to a flaky shortening crust, but not tough. It kind of tastes almost like graham cracker to me. It wouldn't work well for something with a mild flavor because it has such a strong flavor of its own, but it worked really well for the apple pie.

  6. The crumble on this looks great; my favorite pies always come with a good crumble :).

  7. My husband would love this, it is his favorite pie. Great job.

  8. Thanks for the recepie. Tried it yesterday worked wonders..


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