Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Good Gravy, and Better Lighting

Now, at first this may look like a simple pile of mashed potatoes covered in a simple brown gravy. Think again, you're way off the mark. This is actually a simple drop biscuit, covered in a luxuriously indulgent chocolate gravy.

But before I go into more detail on that, isn't it a nice picture? I realized that if I really want good lighting, I have to broaden my horizons a bit. The kitchen and dining room are far from the window and are poorly lit. But there is a lovely little pile of boxes just in front of the window, covered in Zaylee's pink coloring paper, that gets wonderful light from the sun! So I just set up my plate and my tripod on top of the boxes and snapped away! It'll take some practice and getting to know the area (and clearing some other boxes out of the way), but I think that this picture taking strategy has definite potential.

On to the gravy. This is yet another Southern Plate recipe. I'd apologize for using so many in a row, but I'm not at all sorry. Christy has some wonderful recipes on her website, and every single one I've tried has turned out delicious! This particular recipe is for a quick and easy breakfast, biscuits and gravy, but far more indulgent!

Chocolate Gravy
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp. flour
1 tbsp. cocoa
1 1/4 cups milk
1 tbsp. butter

Combine everything except butter in a heavy saucepan. Bring to boil, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. Once boiling, cut the heat down and stir for a minute more (it will get pretty thick rather suddenly). Remove from heat and stir in butter. Pour over biscuits.

Actually, the gravy didn't really get as thick as I thought it would. Christy calls it the consistency of thin gravy. As I tend to prefer a medium or thick gravy, I would use 3 or 4 tbsp. flour instead of 2, just as a personal preference. Other than that, this is one of the most awesome breakfast recipes I've ever tried! Man, southerners really know how to make good food!

Also, to share the chocolate gravy love, Christy gives a tutorial on how to turn this breakfast delight into a fun gift mix!


  1. WOW! This looks amazing! Great pic!

  2. Chocolate gravy - yum! I can think of some many uses! The lighting really is great!

  3. I drag my food all over the house for the right lighting! It does take some getting used to!
    Looks delicious!


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