Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Breaking Down Barriers

I was going to try to make this post kind of election-themed, but it didn't really fit so I won't worry about it.

My husband is one of those people who are decidedly un-picky when it comes to food. He has his preferences of course, but there are few things he just won't eat. One of those foods was fruitcake. He has always sworn up and down that fruitcake is one of the worst flavors he has ever had, and he will never learn to like it. Other people seem to have the same prejudices against this concoction. Here is a quote I found from Johnny Carson: "The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other." Even my mom, who advocates the "clean-your-plate" policy and does not allow picky eating, considers fruitcake to be one of those foods that you are totally allowed to avoid. Obviously, fruitcake is not universally liked.

But as for myself, I had never tried fruitcake. Since Mom didn't like it, I wasn't ever exposed to it and never had the opportunity to try it for myself. A couple years ago I realized that I actually like the way that fruitcake sounded - a heavy cake studded with candied fruits and nuts. Doesn't that sound good? I thought it did. But Jeff was adamant - I wouldn't like it, it's awful, all that stuff.

Well, today I actually convinced him that I was serious - I wanted to try a fruitcake, gosh darnit! There were several of those little one-pounders on the clearance rack at Wal-Mart and I wanted to try one. He hemmed and hawed a bit, then gave in and we put it in the cart.

We got out to the car after purchasing and I eagerly tore open the package. I took a small bite. Hmm. I took another bite. Huh. I took another and another, the bites getting larger and larger - it was actually yummy! I actually liked the fruitcake! I passed bits of fruit and nuts to the kids in their car seats, and they liked it too.

But the clincher came when Jeff requested a tiny bit, just to verify that it was, indeed, as horrible as he remembered. I gave him a little piece and he cautiously tried it. He admitted that perhaps it wasn't quite as terrible as he had thought. He tried another bite, and another, and finally decided that except for the orange peel, he actually liked the fruitcake. We both had a good laugh, and continued snacking all the way home.

And we all lived happily ever after.


  1. Huh! I don't like fruitcake either! But I can't say that I've ever tried it!! I just assumed I didn't like it cause nobody else does!! I think I need to try some fruitcake! Thank you for opening my eyes!!!

  2. There are so many different fruitcakes out there. The really heavily spiced ones I can't eat. BUT when I was in High School, many eons ago, our class sold Texas Manor Fruitcakes. They were the best cake I ever ate and if I ever saw them again I would buy it in a heartbeat. They were so delicious!

  3. FUN! I have never had fruitcake, but I think I might have to try it now!

  4. See, where you went *right* was in buying Claxton fruit cake. It's the only kind that ever appeared in our house growing up. Claxton fruitcake makes me think of my Grandma; she loved the stuff. Fruitcake isn't terrible - it's just odd.

  5. I don't think I've actually had the courage to try fruitcake!

  6. I actually love a good fruitcake! The problem is finding or making a good one. :-)

  7. You should try making one, they are so easy and delicious. The smell that floats around the house, while it is cooking, is divine!

  8. That's TOTALLY hilarious Stephanie. I hated it as a youngster and haven't touched it since. Hmmm, maybe your husband is telling me I need to give it another try?

  9. lol! You know, you got the ONE brand that we think tastes good!!! I saw that package and I was like "OH Yeah!! Of course she liked THAT one!"
    beware, some of those things are downright frightening, but I'm with you on the one you picked out, it really is yummy!
    Christy :)

  10. Hmmm....I've never had it either. You just see so many jokes made about it, ie door stopper etc... that I don't think I've ever taken it seriously. I'll have to give it a try!

  11. Oh my! My mom makes fruitcake every year. She missed one year and all of us kids almost started a riot on her front doorstep.
    Truth be told. . . I've never tried the store bought version. I like my mom's so much.

  12. i don't like fruitcake either! but i'd give that one a try!

  13. Your story is funny!! Both my parents like it and I never would eat it after trying it once. I don't know if I could buck up the courage to try it again though. Kudos to your hubbie for being brave!! :O)

  14. Sounds like you picked up a decent one, I have had a couple of doozies. The ones in England tend to be soaked in brandy. Ew. I wonder if homemade would be yummy? Let it sit overnight, wrapped, like how a zucchini bread gets better when it sits?

  15. I love fruitcake--except the ones with booze added. Never could understand why they seem to have acquired a bad reputation. LOL


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