Sunday, October 12, 2008

Southern Plate Strikes Again!

Today I'm going to feature two delicious recipes from one of my favorite blogs - Southern Plate! Seriously, check out this blog, because not only are all the recipes fantastic, but Christy is the friendliest and cheerfullest blogger I've ever read! Every recipe I've tried from her website has turned out wonderful, and these two are no exception.

First we have the Southern classic - Fried Green Tomatoes. I first learned about fried green tomatoes a couple years ago when I saw a movie by that name. I loved the movie, and was intrigued by the concept of the dish. So Jeff and I looked up recipes for fried green tomatoes and have loved them ever since. Our first experience with FGT was frying them batter-dipped, just like fried chicken. Christy's recipe uses a cornmeal coating, and is much crunchier. I like it both ways!

Fried Green Tomatoes
Green tomatoes, thickly sliced
Corn meal, about 1 1/2 cups
Flour, about 4 tbsp.
Season All (or seasoned salt), about 2 tbsp.

Combine corn meal, flour, and season all. Dip thick tomato slices in milk, then in corn meal mixture. Press down to coat both sides well. Fry in hot oil. Christy uses lots of oil - looks like about 1/2 inch of oil. Jeff and I prefer to just use a little bit, only a thin coating on the bottom of the pan that we replenish after each batch. Either way - fry those babies until they're golden brown and crispy on each side. Drain on paper towels and eat!

Frugal bonus - since green tomatoes are something that you usually get in abundance from your garden, they are a very frugal food, in addition to being really tasty!

Next up is this delicious autumn recipe - Apple Orchard Snack Cake. This cake is definitely unique - it uses graham cracker crumbs instead of flour! The result is a moist and flavorful cake with a delicious chunks of apple. I used my homemade graham crackers for that extra really-from-scratch touch!

Apple Orchard Snack Cake
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
2 to 3 apples, peeled and diced
1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
3/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional, I didn't add these)

Blend sugar, margarine, and eggs in bowl with a spoon. Stir in graham cracker crumbs, apples, and walnuts until blended. Spread batter into greased 8x8 pan. Bake at 35 for forty to forty five minutes or until firm to the touch. Sprinkle liberally with confectioner's sugar. Cool and then cut into squares.


  1. Oh apple snack cake sounds perfect for today!

  2. Wow! Two delicious recipes in one post!
    I love the Southern Plate blog!

  3. Thanks for sending my those fried green tomato recipes! I have a 1 gallon ice cream container full of them. I couldn't just let the frost kill them, could I?!?

  4. that apple cake looks soo good! really moist looking. i've never heard of breaded green tomatoes but it looks good!

  5. Hi Stephanie! I want you to know I left you an award. I had actually written up my TWD post for today before your number was picked - so I guess you get double the treat this week! :)

  6. Apple Orchard Snack Cake & Homemade Gramcrackers!! You can't get much better than that!! This is one I will have to try out! :)

  7. Stephanie,
    My sister sent me a link to your blog last week and I've really enjoyed reading your posts. I'm so disappointed now that I've gone all the way through!
    I've bookmarked so many of your recipes, but this is one I've already made. I think you'll be so proud of me, I changed it and made it my own. We only had about 2/3 graham crackers needed, then my husband said we could use the gingerbread house leftover from Christmas to make up the remainder. I'd been wondering what I was going to do with that...we went ahead and substituted all gingerbread for the graham crackers, and boy, is it good! Thanks for a great recipe, and oh so many more to try.

  8. Ooh, gingerbread instead of graham crackers! That sounds like it would be really good. I'm so glad that you like my blog, I'm kinda fond of it myself. :-)


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