Thursday, October 30, 2008

So Easy Pizza Dough!

I apologize for the lack of pictures with this post. I made pizza for lunch at my mom's house today, using a pizza crust recipe I found in one of her cookbooks, a really old one put together by the ladies in my grandmother's church Relief Society many years ago. It didn't occur to me until just now that I should post this recipe, hence no pictures. The pizza was absolutely delicious, and I loved this crust! No kneading involved, it was fast and easy.

This post is mostly for me. I didn't write down the recipe, so I'm trying to type this up as I remember doing it earlier today. I don't want to forget this crust - it was EASY!

Really Easy Pizza Crust
1 packet yeast
1 1/4 cups warm water
2 tbsp. oil
1 tsp. salt
3 1/2 to 4 cups flour

Mix ingredients. Rise for 15 to 30 minutes. Spread on greased pizza pan or baking sheet (I sprinkled the pan liberally with corn meal after greasing it - really improves the texture and non-stick-to-the-pan-ness of the crust). Top with sauce, cheese, and desired toppings. Bake at 425 12-20 minutes.

Read those instructions again if you need convincing. Mix, rise, spread, top, bake. Simple as that.

I topped it with basic pizza stuff - a simple homemade sauce, shredded cheese, pepperoni, olives, and mushrooms. And Vienna sausages. Yes, it worked. They tasted great.


  1. So, what's your good home made sauce recipe?

  2. That DOES sound easy!! I've had pizza on my mind lately. I tried to talk my daughter into going to my fav pizza place, but she had Chinese on her mind. I gave in and went that I read your post, I'm wishing I went pizza. Well, now I will just have to MAKE it!

  3. It's nice to have a quick recipe you can make on the fly.

  4. Oh, I just poured about a cup of tomato sauce into a saucepan, added some garlic salt and onion powder, Italian seasoning, a little bit of sugar, and a chopped tomato; and heated it up while the dough was rising. Real easy. :-)

  5. Nice recipe! Isn't homemade pizza dough the best!?

  6. "non-stick-to-the-pan-ness" that!!! Going to have to try this and hoping it will turn out to look like your header picture! ;)

  7. I have saved this one right away! I am not letting it escape :)

  8. I have never made pizza dough. This was very easy and turned out great. Only wish I had rolled it thinner. But still, very good

  9. super easy and came out great, thanks

  10. Thanks for the tip! We made a huge 24" pizza with 1/2 brie, 3/4 pepperoni, 1/8 mushroom, with plenty of olives, sardines, wax peppers, and rolled mozzrella into the edges.

    Technically, all that was left over food from the party last night. We spent too much money on beer and your reciepe was a lifesaver!

  11. This is by far the easiest and best tasting recipe for pizza dough. We did add a little more salt because we LOVE salt and we double it. My husband is the bread maker and he literally whipped this up in 5 minutes after church. We have made it twice now. Thank you for sharing.


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