Monday, August 4, 2008

A Couple Awards

Actually, these awards were given to me a while ago, and I either didn't see them or put off putting them on here. But I'm finally going to put them up, and pass them on!

This award was given to me by Kate's Kitchen. I love this website. Not only are there lots of simple, delicious, budget-wise recipes, but so many of her posts focus on better parenting, homemaking, and living in general.

I am passing this award on to:

Rachel's Family Favorites - Rachel takes delicious pictures of her delicious foods, and her recipes are great! Plus she's my cousin... :-)

Anjanette's Eating From Your Pantry - She works at a housing ministry where they provide a food pantry for their residents. Her blog is to provide wholesome recipes that use pantry foods. Good recipes for a good cause - now that's "Brillante!"

This award comes from Christy's Southern Plate. I love her blog! Her recipes and stories really capture the charm and hospitality of the south, and I just feel happier reading her blog. Her recipes are definitely "yum yum."

I am passing this award on to:

Priscilla's A Peek In Priscilla's Kitchen - This blog is written by "a sixteen year old girl in her Mom's kitchen" and it is fantastic! When I was sixteen, sure I loved to bake, but Priscilla has made it into an art, and she is so talented!

Jenny's Picky Palate - For being a dental hygienist, Jenny sure does bake a lot of sweets! I love looking at her pictures and reading her recipes, because they just look so yummy!


  1. Thanks Stephanie!! I know, you'd think I'd lay off the sweets!

  2. Thanks so much! My first blog award! yippee! :)

  3. Hey, thanks! I will have to post and pass along! :)


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