Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Banana Bread Pudding

This was our dessert last night (still no pictures, sorry - it wouldn't have been photogenic anyway). It's another crock pot recipe. We had about four slices left of some banana bread I made a few days ago, using this recipe. It was nowhere near going stale or anything, but I know our family. We tend to leave those last few pieces of bread out too long, no matter how good the bread is. I didn't want that to happen. So I decided to do something about it, and turn them into bread pudding right away.

Banana Bread Pudding
1 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. brown sugar
A few slices banana bread, cubed
A handful or two of raisins

I whisked together the first 5 ingredients in my little crock pot (I think it's 1.5 qt.). Then I folded in the bread cubes and raisins. Banana bread is more crumbly than regular bread, so fold it in carefully to avoid breaking up the cubes as much as possible.

My little crock pot doesn't have high or low settings, you just plug it in and it's on. It took about 4 hours, so I think it runs a little closer to a low setting. If you do this in a pot with high and low, cook it on high 2-3 hours, or on low 3-5.

Jeff and I loved this bread pudding. Well, he liked it and I loved it. He only recently learned to like bread pudding, so I'll cut him some slack for not coming back for seconds. If the kids had been awake when the pudding was finished cooking, I'm sure they would have loved it too.

This was an adaptation of a bread pudding recipe from A Year of CrockPotting - I love that blog! I cut the recipe in half and used banana bread instead of regular, of course.

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