Thursday, May 22, 2008

Can't remember what it's called, but it sure tastes good!

I got this simple fruit salad recipe years ago when I was a teenager. I'm sure it has some fancy yummy-sounding name, but it slips my mind, because I only wrote down the ingredients at the time. I didn't end up taking pictures of this today but that's okay, it's just a green goopy pile of fruity salad deliciousness!

Yummy Pistachio Fruit Salad Stuff
Box of pistachio pudding
Can of crushed pineapple, drained (or you could do what I did and accidentally buy pineapple chunks, then crush them in the food processor)
Mini marshmallows
Tub of whipped cream

Mix it all together, chill and serve! Tonight we also added a drained can of mandarin oranges, and it tasted pretty good. This would also be good with some shredded coconut.

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